Drag Drive Repeat - your source for drag and drive style event coverage!

Everyone gets very excited about the fastest cars because they are setting the bar higher and higher, and they are the most fun to watch. But, drag and drive style events are much much more! Like the Father/Son teams of Tom and Blayne Stark and Redhat Scotty and Sid (the Dude)! Both teams ran personal bests of the week in their perspective cars, but were also attempting to run their first 9.9x passes in the cars! Both cars were so close on their first pass of the Final Day, with Redhat running a 10.09 and Tom a 10.007!! Neither car has ran a 9 second yet! In the lanes for their second pass, Redhat and Blayne jabbed back and forth about who could do it first. You have to know that Blayne is 13, and Scotty is in his mid-late 30s. So, you have a father/son team with a teenager and father and an adult son and father, duking it out for the same outcome! This is seen throughout the pits with drag and drive events!! Back to the drama, Tom goes in to make what should be THE PASS, does his impression of a John Force Top fuel burnout, lights the bulbs and leaves harrrrd for his best 60’ ever at 1.37!! Then 1-2-1 shifts the Liberty Gears manual trans, NOOOO!!! Redhat Scotty inches closer to the front of the staging lanes as we close in on the Hard Cut time of 9pm to make sure everyone gets to the Freedom Factory for the Awards Ceremony. Ayden Bailey puts his 57 wagon on the roof, track delay. Uncle Chet’s World Record attempt for Tesla Plaid ends up shutting the car down, another delay! With four cars ahead of him and the moon tune in the Rickety Rocket, they close the lanes!! NOOOO!!!!
Redhat Scotty and The Dude and Tom and Blayne are already plotting upgrades for their cars for the next drag and drive event to get that elusive nine second pass. For Tom and Blayne that is Rocky Mountain Race Week in June, follow their journey on “Blayne’s Therapy” youtube channel. For Redhat and The Dude, they will be at Race Week (RMRW 2.0) in September, and you can find them on youtube at Questionable Performance Solutions!!
That is drag and drive, there is never enough time, you are never fast enough, you never get enough passes, you were “this close” to your goal. The best part, they finished the week and had smiles (and memories) to prove it!
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Bringing you content from events is my passion, period. Bringing you stories from participants is the best way to show you how amazing these are! For me to gather that content means I need to attend these events, that’s where you can help! I have two levels of support on our Patreon account, both offering options for more in-depth coverage and content not seen on our normal social media. More information at the button below.
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